That Bearded Mofo

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My 129-Word Essay On


Published Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:30pm PST

Who decided Q was incompetent? It's the only letter required to work on the buddy system. Even mandatory partner U gets unsupervised play with others.

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It's fitting that quirky begins with Q because this Siamese twin act it has with U is quite quirky. Hell, it's straight up qweird.

Sure, anyone who's played Words With Friends knows there are "accepted" English words that feature Q without U. I call them unicorns, because they're not real.

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The English language's oppression of Q can be traced back to the French, the Romans, and damn near the Flintstones. I suppose 950 years is too long to change things now. Naw, I'm kidding. Change this shit.

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Emancipate Q. Let Q be free.

But keep an eye on X. That guy's up to something.

~That Qearded Mofo~

My 129-Word Essay On

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