That Bearded Mofo

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My 129-Word Essay On

Hawaiian Bread

Published Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:45pm PST

The holiday season passed recently. Or it's approaching, depending on when you're reading this. While home celebrating with family, I fell off the wagon. I OD'ed. Over doughed.

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I need it bad. I need it real bad.

If you've never had a Hawaiian roll, then I'll assume you're a newborn who hasn't formed chompers but has somehow managed to master reading and internet navigation.

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Thanks, Baby Einstein!

Bread is the greatest food people ever invented. That makes Hawaiians the greatest people ever invented because their bread is the shee-i-ee! I mean, what's better than popping a single King's Hawaiian roll into your mouth?

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That piece of awesomeness is the Pig Lebowski from Dog Haus, a Southern California chain that brilliantly uses crack bread--I mean, grilled Hawaiian rolls for buns. Imagine if they sold burgers.

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Welp, this is how I die.

~That Sweet and Fluffy Mofo~

My 129-Word Essay On

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