That Bearded Mofo

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My 129-Word Essay On

Daylight Savings Time

Published Sat Mar 7, 2015 12:50pm PST

I think the prevailing opinion is that we don't need daylight savings time anymore. My opinion is that I really don't care either way. I like getting that extra hour of sun time in the spring and that extra hour of sleep in the fall.

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That's my prime beard-growing hour.

On the other hand, I hate the hassle of changing clocks. What am I? A daggone one-hour time traveler? That's the worst Bill and Ted adventure ever.

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Maybe not.

Cable boxes and cell phones do all of our time tracking work for us now. If you can trust them.

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"Death to humanity."

If our car radios and stovetops would get with the program, we wouldn't even know DST existed anymore. We'd just go about our lives, every spring, that wretched drive home from work suddenly getting a little brighter.

~That Daylight Saving Mofo ~

My 129-Word Essay On

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